库存管理系统 How it works
精细安全的库存管理有助于科学进步。 定制化的实验室库存管理系统可帮助您跟踪实验室供应或实验室材料的每个重要细节,以确保合规性并促进实验室高效沟通。Your inventory can accelerate your scientific progress. Our fully customized MiniLab inventory lets you track all important details of lab supplies or lab-made materials, ensuring regulatory compliance and improving lab communication.
安全考试与准入,是学生进入实验室正式做实验之前必须经过的一个步骤,是对学生基础知识的考核。Safety exams and admissions are a step that must be taken before students enter the lab to do research. They are an assessment of the basic knowledge of students.
从数量和位置到过期警报和MSDS表格,MiniLab使得更好的库存管理变得轻而易举。MiniLab makes better inventory management more easy from quantities, location, and MSDS forms.

快速开始!Start easy!
如果您已在Excel中拥有现有实验室清单,则可以使用我们的导入工具一键将其上传到您的帐户。 或者,只需将文件通过电子邮件发送至market@minilabtech.com,我们就会为您上传。 You can upload your existing lab inventory in Excel into your account on one click.

实时跟踪实验制品 Track lab-made stuff
跟踪每一种类型的库存条目- MiniLab是完全可定制的,跟踪化学品,供应品,仪器耗材等商品,或样品,细胞系和寡核苷酸等实验室产品。
轻松为所有项目类型创建特定字段,以跟踪与实验室相关的产品属性。MiniLab is completely customized to track any type of items you want.

Advanced search and filter 高级检索筛选库存
高级搜索和筛选功能使您可以快速找到所需的库存商品,不再浪费时间在实验室里寻找东西。Allows you to quickly get the exact item you like through MiniLab advanced search and filtering function.