采购管理系统 How it works
告别白板,电子表格和混乱的电子邮件链接管理采购订单。MiniLab使科学家能够轻松地通过简单的线上操作便可请求他们需要的供应品并及时得到实验室管理员的线上批准和回应。MiniLab help scientists easy to request the supplies and help lab managers easy to respond and approve, all in one place.
使用MiniLab采购系统并不需要您更换您的机构采购系统, MiniLab旨在无缝集成到任何现有流程中。Using MiniLab for requests doesn't need you to replace your recent institutional purchasing system. MiniLab is aim to integrate into your any existing processes seamlessly.

简化采购申请Streamline supply requests
实验室任何人员只需点击鼠标即可提交购买请求。Anyone can submit any request for supplies with just a click.
一种安全的基于Web的服务,实验室成员可以在任何联网设备上随时随地提交采购请求。 Supply request from anywhere, on any internet-connected device.
可自动通知请求者他们的订单状态。MiniLab generates customizable notifications as requests are processed.
实验室管理人员通过CAS号检索现有库存,避免重复采购。Lab managers can know recent inventory through CAS No. Search.
快速采购Make purchasing a snap
在一个界面即可跟踪和处理所有订单请求。All supply requests from your lab members are tracked and processed in one place.
与现有的采购流程做到相辅相成。No need to change your institution's purchasing processes or tools.
成千上万种商品条目方便用户选择。Provide a collection of thounds of products from leading suppliers for you selecting and purchasing.
根据客户管理流程自定义设置管理层级。Allows you to customize the number of purchase approval steps required by your institution or lab.

Automatic order updates自动更新订单
订单交付后,任何实验室成员都可以按订单标记订单并自动更新实验室的库存。Any order can be marked as received and updated to the lab’s inventory automatically .
收到的商品后会立即添加到库存中,因此不再需要手动更新。 No any need to manually update your inventory as items are marked received.
实验室成员可以在任何连接互联网的设备上随时随地查看和处理订单请求。 Members can view and act on order requests from anywhere.